Mon, Oct 29, 2001    







  Founded in 1991, Les logiciels Macapa (or Macapa Software) has always prided itself on the quality of the services it offers. Althought we are currently working on a few products which we will be trying to launch within a few months, our business is mostly centered around offering custom programming services.


We offer various consultation services, wether it be to help you decide which features you should add to your software or what kind of hardware you should purchase for your company. Our employees can help you with both your Windows(tm) or Mac OS(tm) needs.


Macapa, of course, offers a wide range of programming services. If you need someone to work on your project from scratch, or if you have an orphaned system and need a new developer to take over where the old one left off, we'll gladly help you with your needs. And all of our programmers have years of experience.

Over the years, we have worked on projects involving inventory management, time management, manufacturing analysis, investment tracking, ad placement, etc.

Publishing databases on the web

We've been offering for the past few years our web integration services for your databases. Wether it's to offer more information to your clients, to let your employees consult their data remotely or publish your web site in a much more automated fashion, we can certainly help you.